Privacy policy and cookies

Your vacancy as a visitor to the site, a client of the company or a candidate for the position the controller of the personal data is:

UAB 365 kemperiai
Company code: 304871598
VAT tax code: LT100011752818
Address: 12A Lubinų g., Avižieniai 14180 Vilnius
Phone number: +370 699 22699
E-mail address:

This privacy policy describes the data processing activities of UAB ,,365 Kemperiai" in cases where the company acts as a data controller, i.e. collects personal data of customers, suppliers or prospective employees and provides for the purpose(s) and means of processing. Detailed rules of personal data processing can be found at the administration of UAB ,,365 Kemperiai" at Lubinų g. 12A, Avižieniai 14180 Vilnius.

365 Kemperiai UAB needs to process personal data in order to draw up or execute service contracts, to provide services and products to customers, to provide personalised offers, to respond to enquiries, and to carry out health and safety and recruitment processes.

Reasons for processing personal data:

  1. Drafting and implementing contracts with clients.
  2. Providing suggestions and information.
  3. Provision of services under a contract between UAB ,,365 Kemperiai" and the data subject - a natural or legal business entity.
  4. Improving the quality of service and staff performance based on customer feedback and call recordings.
  5. To prevent illegal activities.
  6. Ensuring health, safety and environmental standards within the company.
  7. Invoicing, payments and other financial obligations.
  8. Supporting communities, organisations, ideas, projects or movements.
  9. Social and online presence through company profiles.
  10. Managing CVs and cover letters and organising the recruitment process.
  11. The company's obligations to law enforcement, law and order and other bodies/companies that oversee its activities.

Legal basis for collecting personal data the data subject's consent, a contract with the data subject or business entity and the legitimate interest of the Company, however, even in the case of electronic marketing, we always leave open the possibility of withdrawing the prior consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes.

To get a job At 365 Kemperiai UAB, we will process your personal data to assess the suitability of the skills of the prospective employee for the position.

When we conclude a sales contract with the company In the course of providing our company's services, we may process limited amounts of personal data (e.g. name, job title, telephone number, email address) of our employees in order to fulfil our contracts and obligations. The legal basis for such processing is legitimate interest and the contract between the controller and the data subject.

To meet health, safety, environmental standards and pursue your legitimate interests In the course of our business activities, to protect our business secrets, employees, customers and other relevant persons, we will process your personal data: image (for video surveillance); call recordings (for alerting you when you call us at the contacts you have provided us with); and GPRS data monitoring.

In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (Further GDPR) referred to in Article 6, we apply one of the following legal bases to the processing of your personal data:

  • Personal data is processed on the basis of the consent of the individual.
  • The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract that we have signed with an individual or because we need to take specific steps to implement the contract before signing it.
  • Legal obligations of the company to process personal data: processing is necessary for us to comply with the law (excluding contractual obligations), for example, when processing invoices and when submitting this data to the National Tax Authority.
  • Legitimate business interest, e.g. voice call recording, video data monitoring, GPRS monitoring.

We receive your personal data directly from youwhich means that you have provided this data to us voluntarily in order to receive certain products, services, offers from us or to enter into cooperation, agency, employment contracts with us.

We use cookies on our website and other monitoring technologies. We collect data on whether users have problems with our website: login and payment glitches, certain areas of the website not working, etc. We collect information about users through third-party services such as Google Analytics .

We receive requests or emails from you requesting certain information.

We receive your data from your social media accounts, through which you interact with our social media account managers. More on this: Cookie Policy.

We use service providers who provide services to us, thereby selling certain data to these processors, to help manage and/or carry out certain activities on our behalf, such as, make purchases, process card payments, send emails, make purchases, process card payments, send emails, make purchases, process card payments, send emails, process card payments, process card payments, process card payments. We may also send e-mails, send advertisements, monitor the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and analyse the use of our websites and applications, to providers of internet or telephone services, to banks, auditing companies, leasing companies, insurance companies that insure us against various risks, debt collection companies in the event of a debt, environmental ministries, security companies, the National Tax Inspectorate or any other inspectorate having such a right, postal services or couriers, the police, the courts, or persons providing legal services.

Processors of your personal data:

Google Ireland, Lmt., Ireland (server);

Odoo SA (Belgium) (Order placement, review, archiving);

OVHcloud (Odoo SA) (hosting a customer ordering system);

Google Cloud EMEA Ltd, (Ireland) (part of the Customer Ordering System module);

Amazon Web Services, Inc (Ireland) (server for the Customer Ordering System module);

UAB ,,Interneto vizija" (domain maintenance, hosting);

WooCommerce (Ireland) (e-commerce website hosting);

Mailchimp (Ireland) (Newsletters);

Stripe (Ireland) (Payment platform in the Client Payment System);

Montonio payments (eCommerce payment platform);

Microsoft (Ireland) (Microsoft Office, security and disk hosting services)

AB ,,Bitė Lietuva" (Lithuania) (Voice and call recording system, internet and data firewall services);

CloudFlare (European servers) (security of the e-shop, website and Odoo Enterprise Edition client system);

Google Ireland (Ireland) (GoogleRECAPCHA - remote forms security application);

MB Emitros sprendimai (Lithuania) (IT security and application support);

Jcomment or give your opinion about 365 Kemperiai Ltd. to user communities or social networking pages where such information may be publicly displayed and used by all those who have access to such communities and for purposes outside of 365 Kemperiai Ltd.'s control.  365 Motorhomes is not responsible for the content you provide on social networking communities or for the data protection on online platforms. The Data Processing Policy of 365 Motorhomes Ltd. applies only to the company's website

If you are browsing the internet and if you do not want personal data collected through cookies to be processed during your visit to our website, we recommend that you delete the cookies through your browser. Here's how to do it Cookie Policy.

365 Motorhomes UAB adheres to the principle of data minimisation and ensures that only the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the provision of the service or product is collected.

You have the right to request access to the data processed about you by UAB ,,365 Kemperiai".

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, to withdraw your consent, or to request the erasure or correction of your personal data.

The right to erasure and to withhold certain information is not absolute, meaning that we have to process certain information because we are obliged by law to do so.

You have the right to get acquainted with the rules of personal data processing at the premises of UAB ,,365 Kemperiai".

You have the right to opt-out of receiving newsletters or other marketing offers.

You have the right to data portability when data are processed electronically.

You also have the right lodge a complaint with the State Inspectorate for Personal Data Protection.

To exercise the rights of the data subject, i.e.: to request access to your data, erasure or rectification of data held by us, or to object to the processing of your personal data or to exercise your data portability rights, we will first ask you to provide your identity document or a notarially certified copy of it, or, in the case of acting through an attorney-in-fact, the identity documents of both persons, a notarially certified power of attorney, or a notarially certified copy of all of these documents. If we can identify you by other means, we will not ask for proof of identity. Enquiries should be sent to: .

We will respond to your requests within 30 days from the moment we can properly identify you.

We may update this policy periodically. Please visit our website, or ask the staff of UAB ,,365 Kemperiai" to provide you with the latest version of the Personal Data Processing Rules.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please contact:

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